On Saturday Drama Princess participated in her first Ironkids South Africa and we are so proud of her for doing it. She has been parading her medal for everybody to see for two days now, even showing it off in church on Sunday and going to the headmaster’s (who has participated in Ironman himself) office at school and show him.
The organisation around Ironkids was amazing and everything planned to a tee. Ironkids start with a 60 meter swim at McArthur Pool and the kids are divided into groups of twenty each with about 10 lifeguards in the water with them at all times. Although Drama Princess can swim she isn’t very comfortable in deep water and she made sure she annexed herself a lifeguard right from the start. These guys (and girls) were amazing with the kids with some lifeguards dragging along up to 3 kids at a time.
As soon as she was out the water she had her shoes and t-shirt on and off she went on her 1,2km run to the finish line at Hobie Beach. Every 50 meters on the run there were both schoolgirls as well as SA Defence Force volunteers keeping an eye on the kids and encouraging them. I met Drama Princess just as she came up the ramp from the pool and kinda struggled to keep up with a camera in one hand, video camera in the other and a backpack on. Watching the video afterwards you could here me huffing and puffing which is a bit embarrassing having my 7 year old daughter show me up like that. She’s already said that she wants to take part again next year. Now to just persuade Chaos Boy to try it as well.
and before you know it you will have a triathlete on your hands….
Well done Drama Princess !!! What a great achievement !!
Good for her. A wonderful confidence building experience.
Great to catch up on your blog today! I see that you also are watermarking your photos now!