As most of my regular visitors may know, I’m not a big “people” photographer and prefer travel and nature photos. I am always in awe at Jeanette and Karin when their post their people pics, most of which feature their kids. They are always so creative and imaginative compared to my straight forward pics I take of my kids. Some of which I occasionally post on the Firefly Personal (B)log, Supplemental. I have decided to make a concertive effort to try and be more creative when I take pics of my kids.

You did well…I also try to be creative…but am also learning – my sister takes wonderful children photo’s..never posed, so natural..Marcy*giggle*
Hehe, thanks for the link! That is a fantastic shot, I really love it! It’s very difficult to photograph a child on a trampoline, you did a great job! And I love the clouds in the background!
That’s a stunning shot!! Well done.Hehe, love that you like my work 🙂
Good shot !!! steady hand needed for that, and the sky is excellent sets off the lovely pink of her dress, and her hair shows the movement frozen beautifully, really great shot…Fantastic !!!
Wow – the clarity is amazing! I can’t get ‘movement’ shots – always blurred!! So I’ll leave that to all of you !! Love the contrast in colours against the sky !Thanks for your comment. Moms and/or dads never stop worrying – not matter how old they are !! Wait – you’ll be there .. one day!! Enjoy every moment with them while they’re young – they grow up so quickly!!
What a lovely photograph! I am in awe of all of your photo’s – I have a very basic little Canon, nothing fancy. I really am going to try and be creative this year – I have fluked a couple, but that’s beginners luck I think!
I love this shot! I’m going to start photographing more people for my blog soon. I know that people think I’m a bit mad, because they have watched me carry ladders across the yard, and stand on the enter sign of the neighborhood all while having a camera around my neck. Now they just shake there heads and keep walking.
I love that shot!
I love this one! ♥
What a fabulous photograph, and what a gorgeous litle girl!And it’s summer there! *sigh*I loved the post about St. John’s Anglican Church.