The Uitenhage Despatch Development Initiative (UDDI) recently established their first Eco-Hub as a pilot project in the Despatch township of Khayamnandi. The project is about “transforming hot spots into green spots” and involves the empowerment of members from the local community to do something for themselves, their community as well as the environment. One of the components of the project is a recycle station where residents can separate glass, paper, plastic and cans with a fifth bin for grass cuttings that are used in the making of compost.
Despatch Eco-Hub Recycling
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Hooray for this eco-effort!!!! Lovely colors too –
Need to see more of this around the world along with education for increased use.
but why are there not more of these around, I can find bottle banks and light bulb recycling stations in PE, but no other forms of recycling apart from paying someone to come and remove it.
@Anonymous. I wish I knew the answer. We were chatting about it at the office the other day as well. PE really is far behind when it comes to recycling except for bottle banks and light bulbs and both of those are done by companies in those respective industries.