Laurie’s Bay

On Saturday morning we joined a couple of friends for a walk from Kini Bay to Laurie's Bay. It's not a long walk, but definitely not easy if you are barefoot or in slops. The beach along the way may be beautiful, but the beach isn't quite soft sand but rather mostly fine broken shells. It's still worth it though. At the end of the beach you get to a collection of cottages right on the coastline and on the…

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Sunset at Sards

Watching the sunset from the dunes at Sards in Port Elizabeth is becoming just as popular as the sunset on Signal Hill in Cape Town.

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Dusk over Kings Beach

The Port Elizabeth beachfront faces east which means the sun comes up over Algoa Bay and the sea. I don't think a lot of people realise that the beachfront is also a great place to watch the sun set as it sets over the city centre. The KidZ wanted to go down to the beachfront to watch the sunset the other day and we were just to late to see it disappear. Still beautiful.

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Beautiful beaches

It is sad to see Port Elizabeth's beaches empty in summer due to Covid19, but whether empty or full of sun worshippers, they stay exotically beautiful.

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Casino reflection

A beautiful day, blue skies, no wind, the Boardwalk casino reflecting in the lake. How can one not want to take a photo of this?

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Weekend fun on the Sundays River

The day before the president announced that all beaches and rivers will be closed under the adjusted level 3 regulations, we spent the day in the Addo Elephant National Park. After coming out the south gate we took a drive around Cannonville and watched the holiday makers enjoy the river and shoreline. It makes you wish you had a boat to cruise up and down the Sunday's on.

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Shark Rock Pier selfie frame

Towards the end of 2020 the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality's tourism department set up two selfie frames, one at Shark Rock Pier and the other at the Donkin Reserve. A walk and ice cream on the beachfront led us to the pier and Miggie could not wait to get onto the frame to have her picture taken. I'm sure the selfie frame is going to help make this Port Elizabeth landmark even more of an iconic site.

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Sunset behind the windfarm

A couple of days ago we joined a group of fellow Geocachers to solve a puzzle on the Blue Horizon Bay road. While we were busy figuring out the problem, my daughter Miggie made herself comfortable in a camp chair to watch the sunset. She snapped this picture of the sun setting behind the windfarm.

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Longing for the beach at dusk

So the beaches have been closed by our brilliant government leaving the kids to looking longingly at the Covid infected sandy areas from the safety bubble of the walk literally meters away. At least they could enjoy the sunset and the view at dusk and weren't chased away by the brave police force taking their lives into their hands by making sure the dangerous general populous looking at the beach think of going down there like they did all along…

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Lady’s Slipper view

Yesterday late afternoon we took a drive out to Blue Horizon Bay to do a little Geocaching and this is the view of Lady's Slipper mountain from the road once you are off the N2 and heading up the hill.

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