On a recent camping trip one of the folk in the group encountered this little guy behind the tents. I have never had the opportunity to take a picture of a scorpion, so I was on him like a rash. It is a Cape Rock Scorpion from the family Liochelidae.

It belongs to the group commonly referred to as the thin-tail scorpions. These scorpions and are not venomous to people and a sting from one of them should, at worst, be no more than a bee sting. Did I know that when I was takin the pictures? No, but I wasn’t gonna let the opportunity slip by.
Cant spell in Afrikaans what I want to say……….I feel ill now!!
Interesting color difference between the body and sting …I have a pic of a more dangerous type which I took in southern Namibia:http://onestonedcrow.blogspot.com/2009/09/more-things-that-bug-me.htmlI've was stung once by the less venomous type and I tell you, it burns like crazy …regards from Namibia
They really are interesting creatures and you got great captures of it Jonker. Glad it's not the terribly poisonous kind. Do you have any of those I should know about? 😉
OMG! amazing little guy! that tail? I dont know how you capture the detail. my camera gives me fuzzz!
Great photos! Scorpions are very interesting creatures. They freak me out a little because I don't know much about them, not sure how predictable they are. And this is a girl who used to own a tarantula talking, haha :PAgain, great photos 🙂
Always good to have a first aid kit handy and a camera. Good work.
Very interesting photo (and dangerous of course)!
Nothing like hindsight to reassure that what you just did was really not that dangerous or to find out how dangerous it really was (and how glad you are that you were ignorant of that fact)!
What a lovely little fellow Jonker!! I have only twice managed to get hold of scorpion and ned to go out hunting for them at night when I am next in the bush.Thank you for your kind words my friend. 🙂
What a ferocious looking fella! I am surprised he's not too venemous – I would have thought with a sting like that! Really nicely captured – you to a great shot of that tail!