Jimminy Cricket!!!

Cricket has certainly moved with the times. For those who find 5 days of stiff-upper-lip play with white clothing and a sedate pace a bit heavy going, there are now new formats which make the game much more exciting. The newest of these is the 20-20 match, which is fast paced, 4s and 6s fly, the music is loud and trendy, gogo dancers and flame throwers go ballistic everytime something exciting happens, the crowds really get involved and the atmosphere…

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A different view of Donkin Lighthouse

This was taken in Richmond Hill one morning at sunrise, from the road that runs past the proposed block that was halted, which we told you about in Friday's Post. Because of its position on the brow of the Hill on which the first buildings in the city were developed, it is possible to get glimpses of this landmark from many angles.

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Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria still watches over parts of her former empire, with her "We are not amused look". This Sicilian marble statue of her, is situated at the entrance to the Main Library, on the North-Western corner of Market Square. It was erected and unveiled in 1903 two years after her death.

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Stone Crosses

Since it is Easter Sunday, we thought this group of old stone crosses found on various churches in PE and Uitenhage would be appropriate. Happy Easter to all!


Yay Yippee Yay

The saga of the high rise development in Richmond Hill has been resolved, and it goes to show that it IS worth while for concerned citizens to get involved and not take 'stupidity/vested interests/lack of logic/all of the above' from city officials lying down! A while ago, concerned citizens noticed some earthworks on the hill below the teachers college, and upon investigation, found that a 4 story block of flats was going up. This picture was taken in June last…


Lamp Posts #3

There is a row of 3 very lovely street lights in the narrow and historic Cora Terrace (which we featured a while ago.) At that time they were a pretty pale blue. They have recently been painted black. In that post I mentioned that the father of the girl after whom the terrace was named was murdered, in the 1800s, and Kate asked for more details. I am still trying to find more about it Kate, but will let you…


Trinder Square

As you can see in the vintage photo below, in the early days of Central, (mid 1800s) this slight depression at the top of the hill was a small lake, and the residents used to get togged up in all their Victorian Splendour, and have picnics on the banks. It is now a little park.


The Edward Hotel

This gracious Hotel in Central is still a well run establishment, and the beautiful old building is lovingly cared for. It commands a wonderful view overlooking the Donkin Reserve, with its famous lighthouse and pyramid, and beyond that, the bay.


Car Wash

Near the bottom of Russell Road, opposite the historic graveyard, is a car wash. We have noticed that whatever the time of day, they always seem to be busy. They handwash the cars, and do a very thorough and reasonably priced job, which probably explains their popularity. An enterprising gentleman, clearly an immigrant from the North, has set up a coffee shop in the top room over the waiting room, to serve those waiting for their cars to be done.…