
A little while ago we went to the giant sand dune at the Maitland River Mouth. I climbed to the top with Chaos Boy and on the way down I experimented a little bit with him leaping into the air. If you enjoy looking skywards, visit Skywatch Friday for more sky pics.


Reflextion of blue

I have posted a lot of sunrise and sunset pictures for Skywatch Friday lately, so today I decided to look down to look up. I got this reflection in one of the river pools at Sleepy Hollow just outside Port Elizabeth on our last camping trip. The water was perfectly still and gave me the opportunity to get the perfect sky reflection. For more looking up (or down) sky pictures, visit Skywatch.


Pearson Conservatory

The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality are currently restoring the historic Pearson Conservatory in St Georges Park. The 128 year old conservatory was opened in 1882 and has been in need of major renovations for a couple of years now. Its been very sad to see the building fall into near disrepair, so I was elated to hear the news. I remember playing around there as a child while my mom was manning her table at the monthly Art in the…


Dinner on the coals

Most of the private game reserves around Port Elizabeth serve traditional South African foods to their guests. Some make it in their kitchens while others do it out in the open on the coals. At Schotia Safaris they prepare the food in their outside lapa in full sight of their guests. Schotia's owner, Peter Bean, are very hands on in everything that happens on the reserve and in the picture he is braaiing (barbecuing) the lamb chops, chicken sosaties (kebabs)…

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Ironman swimmers

The competitors in Ironmann South Africa setting off on the 3,8km swimming leg at Hobie Beach in Port Elizabeth. In the background is the the boat of the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI). For more of my pictures of Ironman SA, go here.


Pink autumn flowers

The lawns along Marine Drive between Hobie Beach and Pollock Beach is currently covered in pink flowers. Driving along the path at Lovers' Lane one would think that spring somehow got stuck here. The big building in the background is the 5 star Radisson Blu Hotel.

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Ouma Dora Jacobs

An interesting site I found next to the Somerset East Museum was the grave of Ouma (Grandma) Dora Dotyi Jacobs. Ouma Dora was born in May 1880 and was 122 years old when she died in January 2003. At the time she was the oldest living person in the world.She was laid to rest in a special place under the trees next to the museum. To get to her grave one has to walk down a path between the trees…


Edible Bracket

I stumbled on this bracket fungus growing on a tree stump in Somerset East. Back home I found the following information about it. Edible bracket fungus is normally found on dead hardwood trees in summer and autumn. It normally grows up to 350 millimeters wide and 5 millimeters thick either singly or in clusters. The cap is normally smooth but leathery or woody in texture. The colours range from white to creamy while they can have a fragrant spicy smell.