Drama Princess Instapose reflection

Drama Princess doing the "Instagram pose" on the beachfront during the Instawalk a couple of weeks ago.  I really like the reflection in the pond along the Kings Beach promenade and she makes the perfect subject.  Not that she needs any excuse to pose for a photograph.

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North End view across Albany Road

A couple of weeks ago I was in Richmond Hill one Saturday afternoon for a function.  I had a couple of minutes before things started and took a drive over to the old Erica Building.  This is the view across Albany Road towards North End and Algoa Bay.  The Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium is just out of view on the left and you can see the Red Tide that was hanging around for a week or so along the coast…

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Scenic views of Patensie and surrounds

A couple of weeks ago I spent a couple of days touring around the Eastern Cape with a group of journalists and one of our stops was in the Gamtoos Valley town of Patensie.  After a visit at the Malan Cucumber Farm we were taken up to their new cucumber tunnels on a koppie outside town and I snapped these pictures of the view.  The Gamtoos Valley truly is a very scenic and undiscovered area with most visitors just heading…

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The good ol’ windpomp, from underneith

We all know what a windpomp looks like.  Don't know what a windpomp is? NO! Really? Hahahaha...  Ok, so perhaps you've heard of a windpump or windmill?  To most of us its just a windpomp, doesn't matter if you say it in English or Afrikaans.  Or perhaps even Xhosa.  I should ask one of my Xhosa friends what they call it.  Anyhow, we all know what a windpomp looks like.  One of the icons of the Karoo.  An object standing in…

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The NMMU Nature Reserve and Grysbok Trail

Over the weekend I spent some time on the Grysbok Trail in the NMMU Private Nature Reserve doing the series of Geocaches that's been placed there recently.  I wonder how many people actually know of the trail.    The NMMU campus was declared a Private Nature Reserve in 1983 and covers 830 ha.  The reserve is made up mainly of St Francis Dune Thicket vegetation which is characterised by clumps of thicket within Dune Fynbos.  This fynbos vegetation is highly threatened because of agricultural clearing and…

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Coral Tree hides are tricky

We all know what a Coral Tree looks like.  Perhaps not off the top of your head when you hear the name, but you'll definitively know what I'm talking about if I call it a Lucky Bean Tree.  Coral Trees are very distinctive in that they loose their leaves in autumn and have brilliant orange flowers before the leaves come back in spring.  Something you won't know though is that there are geocaches hidden in at least three Coral Trees around town…

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A tribute to Madiba – Johnny Clegg’s Asimbonanga

https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/XTQyXq-f_Is&source=udsToday is the 1 year anniversary of the death of our beloved Nelson Mandela.  As Port Elizabeth forms part of the Nelson Mandela Bay metro I decided to make today's Friday Video a tribute to Madiba.  I picked up this one of Johnny Clegg doing Asimbonanga  along with a group of kids specially for today. 

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My Mandela House selfie

I recently had the privilege to go on a Soweto Tour with City Sightseeing Joburg and one of our stops was Mandela House in Vilakazi Street.  Last time I was in Soweto they were still busy with the renovations on the house so I took the opportunity to visit and have a look.  There are various quotes throughout the house and decided to do a double whammy with this picture, taking a selfie while getting the quote on the window.The significance of posting this…


St Phillips church revisited

Back in the early days of PE Daily Photo before I took over from Sue and Max, the St Philips Anglican Church in Richmond Hill got featured on a fairly regular basis, specially around sunrise or sunset.  That's because Sue and Max live just up the road from it.  I on the other hand live on the other side of town and don't get to visit Richmond Hill that often.  Last weekend I had to attend a function at another…

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The Constitutional Court and the Joburg skyline

The Constitution Court is the highest court in South Africa and is situated on Constitution Hill in Johannesburg.  Surrounded by what used to be the Number 4 Prison, the Old Fort and the Women's Jail, the court forms part of Constitution Hill and can be visited while on a tour of the precinct.  I didn't get to go on the tour - it's a long story which I have told before - but I did take a stroll around and ended up on the Old…

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