So to avoid boring you with all this Angora goats / mohair stuff, this will be the last post on the topic. Its not the last post about the trip though, as I have lots to show you as far as places and scenery from the area. So stay tuned.

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International Mohair Summet was the two days of Angora goat competitions. Now I’m not a Angora goat expert, not by a long shot, but I will try to explain some of it in layman’s terms. All the goats that took part in the competition were kept in pens under a big marquee for everybody to look at.

There are many different categories that the goats compete in. Some are individual categories while others are combinations of 2 or three goats from the same farm. Although the kids have a higher quality hair, I must say that I loved seeing the big rams. They are just magnificent.

During the judging they inspect everything. They check the hair to see the length as well as evenness all over. They also check the teeth and then ask the handlers to let the goats walk away from the judges. This is to see if they have straight legs and not knock knees.

I was very impressed with the trophies handed out at the end of the two days. In Afrikaans we would say: “Dis
nie sommer so
nie.” (Its not just any old trophy).
I for one, am not bored with Angora Jonker. Those rams are regal looking. I am reminded of a dog show. The trophies show this is a very serious bussiness.
I loved these posts! Living in Hawaii I dont know if i have EVER seen an Angroa Sheep! They are beautiful!
Nope – I'm not bored either!! Bring on more!!! LOL .. your comment on my cannon!!! There were lots of these small holes through the thick castle walls which I presume were used for arrows. Will do a post on that castle but will also put in FB .. when I eventually get there – also don't want it to become too boring. But FB is easy – if you don't want to look at the photos, you don't have to.
Your photos are great. The goats are split into classes by gender (bucks and does), then the group classes are pairs, based on age, then best pair (which can be one buck and one doe) and the group classes have their own rules. There is a “get of sire” class where all the animals have the same sire, small flock and other groupings. I used to show sheep in 4-H (while growing up on a small farm). I was wondering if the bucks smelled? Most male goats really stink (and not just because they pee on their front legs…), so I was wondering if the handlers could possible wash that odor away.Thanks for sharing your interesting adventure,LunachanceRedmond, WA, USA
LOL, u didn't read my blog correctly…My granddaughter has 5 letters in her name she is only 4 years old.My grandson has 4 letters in his name and he is 2My other grandson has 5 letters in his name and he is 11 months oldMy last grandson has 6 letters in his name and is 9 months old!!
Thanks for the additional info Lunachance. I picked some of it up there, but didn't want to get it wrong. These rams didn't stink, but it could be that they get washed.
Really like the first shot. These goats are magnificent creatures, they look kind of regal! They also have very cute faces, but I know they then to smell, which is not so cute 🙂 I loved these posts, they were very interesting and informative. Keep them coming!