Victoria Park

Victoria Park is one of a number of public parks in Port Elizabeth located within residential areas. Situated in the lower section of Walmer close to the airport, Victoria Park has several fish ponds with beautiful waterlilies and big lawn areas. Every year the Eastern Cape Philharmonic Orchestra has a sold out performance in the park which shows that there is a demand for such shows in Port Elizabeth.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Avril

    Very pretty!! I see you were the only one there – as you said, it’s such a pity that we don’t use our parks like we should .. Enjoy your trip and happy snapping!

  2. Jo

    What a gorgeous little park. Thanks for sharing it with us.I am once again catching up on your blog, and your post on Msenge Lodge is wunnnnnderful! Omigoodness, what I wouldn’t give for a visit to that lodge! I think I could probably do without the lions peeking at me, though. 🙂

  3. Janet

    Lucky you – off to Sun City! Some of it is good, some a bit artificial, but good nonetheless! Have a ball!

  4. Anonymous

    Every year the ‘PE Orchestra’ plays a great sundowner open air concert in the park (they sit on the island with the Thatch afdak and loads of folk go to watch with families and picnic blankets etc – A mate of mine took a swim in the pond just after the concert one year, not voluntarily off course! But we are much older and far more responsible now.Great Blog.

  5. Karin

    What a lovely park! It is a pity that people don’t use it more often. Hope you enjoy Sun City!

  6. Steffi

    Really beautiful park!Have a nice time in Sun city!Wow!

  7. Lindy

    good god you live in a gorgeous place! Of course it does help that it’s summer where you are and I’m still struggling through an English winter. Still some really beautiful locations and fab fab photos!What a shame people don’t use it- soo true if lots of people use the park then the criminals will have less opportunities.

  8. Anonymous

    I have photos of my mother in this least it looks like the same place. She grew up in PE but I have never been. You make it look beautiful but I’m sure it isn’t all over.Sara

  9. photography.rmb

    It is definitely one of the lesser known parks. I have been in PE for over 6 years now, and only visited it for the first time earlier this year. Its a fantastic park.

  10. Anonymous

    You are right – it is truly an undiscovered gem! I remember going to a picnic concert there a few years ago – absolutely marvellous!

  11. Stephen Chapman...

    As that you are into photography, I thought that you may be interested in a monthly blog posting called “5 on the fifth” where You can either take 5 random pictures of anything that happens to you on the 5th of December (or the days leading up to it) or perhaps go for my suggested theme. Just post your pictures on your own blog and then post a comment on MY blog with your name, location and link to your site – I then update the entry so the world has your link. Remember to mention my blog on your own blog so that your visitors get to see the other contributions.Interested?Here’s a link to my blog: a link to the “5 on the fifth” entries:

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