North End Beach back in the days. A stretch of sand all the way to the Swartkops River which could possible have become one of Port Elizabeth’s prime beachfront real estate areas if it didn’t fall in the hands of Railways and municipality. This pictures dates back to 1902 right after the Grate Gale when 21 ships ran aground along North End Beach.
Today North End Beach is no more. The beach and coastline was reclaimed, railway tracks, Settlers Freeway (M4) and the N2 was built along it and the sea is held back by dolosse. Sad really when you think of the potential this area could have had.
I know the angle of the Now photograph isn’t the same as the Then, but I just haven’t been able to find a spot with uninterrupted views of the whole coastline like this one from Richmond Hill. The houses in the foreground is just above Albany Road.
Hi Jonker, I just love your then and now photos and posts. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. Jo