The Red Location (Backpacker) Lodge in New Brighton has a special story to it. I don’t know all the details so I will give you the short version of it. The building that the Lodge is situated in used to be a beer hall back in the days. Beer halls led to many men drinking away all their money and getting violent towards women and children and was also the source of a lot of crime in the townships. The women had had enough and burned the beer hall down after which it stood as an burned out shell for many years. A group of women, most who was involved in the burning of the beer hall, wanted to create a better future for themselves and approached the municipality for funding to turn the building into an useful place. With the development of the Red Location Museum and surrounding precinct next door the municipality agreed and the women formed themselves into a co-op and started working. At this stage the Lodge accommodates mostly school groups but they hope that in future they would become a popular spot for international backpacker travellers as well.
The Red Locations Lodge ladies
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I enjoy hearing about community projects like this.