The Memorable Order of the Tin Hats, or MOTH, was founded on 7 May 1927. The idea of the Order back then (and still today) is to help fellow comrades in need, either financially or physically and to also remember all servicemen who has answered the Sunset Call, both in war and during piece time. The emblem of the MOTH includes the crossed rifles of sacrifice, surrounded by 12 stars that signify Mutual Help, the whole within an unending circle, expressing
life and harmony without end.
life and harmony without end.

A little while ago I stumbled, once again while out Geocaching, on the MOTH Shellhole on the Kragga Kamma Road. A quick bit of research shows that there seem to be two MOTH Shellholes in Port Elizabeth. This one is called the Outspan Shellhole with the second one being the Aloe / White Ensign Shellhole in Walmer. There may be more but these are the two that came up in my search. By the way, the cache at the Shellhole is a toughie but I can say I’ve ticked it off my list.
Whereabouts in Kragga Kamma road will I find this Shellhole?
If you drive along Kragga Kamma Road past Beverly Grove on the right and Spar on the left you have to turn right just before the railway line. There is a road sign. Its a little dirt road next to the railway line for a couple hunderd meters before you get to the place.