
I was looking for nice angles for the flowers I posted yesterday when I found this snail on a leave. Oh well, have camera, will shoot.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jo

    That is one of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen. Once again, you have outdone yourself. I can actually feel the snail enjoying lying on the leaf.Gorgeous!

  2. Avril

    Fantastic photo!!!

  3. Janet

    Oh I like it! Almost looks like the “foot” is big and green! Interesting!

  4. Karin

    Brilliant! Great depth of field! I am very fascinated by snails, they are beautiful creatures to photograph.

  5. Marcelle

    wow, you are very good at close up pics…love this one…Will be taking time out next week to catch up with old entries that are saved on my google feedreader…I have 10 hours of 24 to watch on tv so that Heinz and I can continue to watch the current ones…not forgetting Desperate Housewives and Lost…and my soapie stuff he doenst watch…so think the next two weeks I will have to stay away from the computer and just watch tv..its tv weather here at the moment, cold and wet…horrible.

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