I was walking exploring around the back streets of the Karoo town of Prince Albert and to my delight stumbled on discovered this old cemetery. It belongs to the NG Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church) and the graves date between 1844 and 1884.

Non of the graves really had grave stones, but they were all covered in stone mounds. It was interesting though that there was a couple of graves with small structures built over them towards the back of the grave yard. Those probably belonged to well off people who could afford such a monument back in those days.
Jonker – if you are looking for information regarding frontier wars etc there is an expensive book called Frontiers.I have a contact who has the book and many others. This contact of mine visits and tries to find battle sites, trenches, forts etc in the Eastern Cape. I do believe that he does tours with historical background etc.
A very interesting graveyard you stumbled upon Jonker.
I find it unusual that they do not have markers Jonker. Was there any indication as to how they died or if a lot of them died at the same time? Usually if there was some disease which killed a lot of people at the same time they would bury them like this.
This is very interesting. I wonder why it is so neglected if it forms part of the church grounds.
Very interesting indeed. Not sure it is “cool”, but….. cool!
Hi Zane; thanks for mentioning this book – please can I ask you for details? I'm looking for the father of Petrus Johannes Visser who were in Prince Albert around 1900. Dries