Originally developed in 1942, Despatch is regarded as a relatively young town and only officially obtained municipal status in 1945. The name of the town was derived from the brick industry, as it was from a railway siding (later known as “Hitler’s Halt”) in the late 1800’s near Uitenhage, that bricks were “dispatched” or rather, “despatched’. Many of the older buildings and houses in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage were built with these very bricks. Sadly, the brick business is now a remnant of the past. Offering the charm of a rural town in the heart of a city Metro, Despatch currently has a resident population of about 30 000.
Welcome to Despatch
- Post author:fitravel
- Post published:30/03/2013
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Reading time:1 mins read
Tags: Despatch