Water lilies Post author:fitravel Post published:27/01/2010 Post category:Uncategorized Reading time:1 mins read Water lilies on one of the fish ponds in Victoria Park in the lower part of Walmer Tags: flowers Read more articles Previous PostBaywatch Next PostThe Prince Alfred Guard sergeant-major You Might Also Like A braai with Drama Princess 19/03/2016 Rhodes Memorial 11/02/2009 Autumn on the beach 02/06/2015 This Post Has 5 Comments Jo 21/03/2009 Now I know why my mother loved water lilies so much. We had two outdoor ponds and she grew water lilies just like these. Karin 22/03/2009 Oh, I love water lilies – the second shot is my favourite, just beautiful! glduro_marieloupe 27/01/2010 Interesting! We have a post with these same flowers in our Botanic Garden! glduro_marieloupe 27/01/2010 Here is our post:Spring is everywhere… Dot 02/02/2010 This is beautiful Firefly! Love it :o) Comments are closed.
Jo 21/03/2009 Now I know why my mother loved water lilies so much. We had two outdoor ponds and she grew water lilies just like these.
glduro_marieloupe 27/01/2010 Interesting! We have a post with these same flowers in our Botanic Garden!
Now I know why my mother loved water lilies so much. We had two outdoor ponds and she grew water lilies just like these.
Oh, I love water lilies – the second shot is my favourite, just beautiful!
Interesting! We have a post with these same flowers in our Botanic Garden!
Here is our post:Spring is everywhere…
This is beautiful Firefly! Love it :o)