With the month of Ramadan starting today, I thought it would be appropriate to do a Then and Now featuring the Masjied-Ul-Aziz (also known as the Pier Street Mosque or Green Mosque). The mosque was officially opened in July 1901 and the first Imam was Abdul Wahab Salie . The mosque was destined to be destroyed by the declaration of the Group Areas Act to make way for a freeway off ramp, but the matter went to the United Nations where Islamic countries prevented its destruction, but not before the minaret had been removed already and bulldozers stood waiting.
In the Now photo the extensions can be seen that has been added since it originally opened. The minaret is also different from the original and you can clearly see why the mosque is referred to as the Green Mosque.
I also would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim followers a joyous and blessed Ramadan. Peace, love, joy and good health to you.