One of the buildings in Somerset East that I find the most interesting is the little building on the corner of Paulet and Beaufort Streets. It is one that draws a lot of comments and speculation about its origins although the general thought is that it was a mill dating back to the early days of Somerset Farm.

Information collected by Sheila van Aardt suggested it was used as a mill with the water wheel on the Beaufort Street side of the building. The water used came from a small stream that flowed down the side of Beaufort Street. An aqueduct supported by crossed poles bridged Paulet Street so that it didn’t have to flow over the street and cause damage to it..

The building stands on private land and I have no idea if the owner has plans for it, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could be restored and a small tourism establishment like a coffee shop with curios could be opened in it. It would be able to link up very nicely with the Walter Battiss Art Museum across the road, The Somerset East Museum up the road and the surrounding historic precinct of Paulet Street.