On Saturday we headed into the Gamtoos Valley for the annual Gamtoos Tourism Adventure Drive. This year the event took place around the towns of Loerie and Hankey and it was a heck of a lot of fun, to say the least. The Adventure Drive takes the form of a 60km round trip which gets completed by following directions given at the start of the race. Along the way there are 9 stops with challenges that need to be completed. At each challenge you get points awarded and along with the times a calculation is made to determine the winner of the day. This year the event started and ended at Loerie Ruskamp between Loerie and Hankey and it turned out to be a great base with breakfast served before we got going and a lekker braai lunch while we waited for the prize giving. At one of the stops we had this magnificent view (see pic above) over the valley down towards the coastline while other stops included InnieKloof, Milk House, Hankey Golf Club, Sarah Baartman’s grave site, The Gamtoos Ferry Hotel, Spekboom Lapa, Loerie Dam and the Koekepan Padstal. I didn’t take the camera along this year but my trusty new Samsung S4 mini did come in handy to snap a couple of pics along the way.

Retrieving smarties from a bowl of flour after first getting the small bowl out a bath full of water… all with my mouth. The guys at Spekboom Lapa was evil giving us this to do.

The Damselfly taking her turn after me
Neither of us looking too dignified afterwards
Talking of not being dignified. How about taking a Kudu drol (dropping), putting it in your mouth and trying to spit it as far as you can. Hence the “sport” of Kududrolspoeg or, translated, kudu dropping spit. Not something most city folk can say that they have done. Thanks to the team of the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency from allowing us this pleasure. Just a footnote, the dropping is actually dry and has absolutely no taste when you put it in your mouth….

Another unusual sport we got to do was Jukskei. You throw objects that look like wooden cake rollers and see if you can hit the stick on the other side. It looks very easy but it is slightly more tricky than we thought.

Another first for the Damselfly was casting with a fishing rod into the Gamtoos River. At least she reached the river and didn’t ricochet back into the tree like one of our friends did. Some of the other activities included shooting with a kettie, throwing naartjies into bins for points and running around a garden picking oranges, lemons and grapefruit. This was the third year we took part in the race and we will definitively be back again next year.
What a fun time. Love the look of you two with flour faces. Think I could pass on Kudu droppings.