Shooting netball hoops

I found this picture which I took a couple of weeks ago when we went to watch Varsity Cup netball at NMMU.  During half time spectators were invited to come and shoot hoops.  Drama Princess was the smallest participant and even got one or two in from this distance.

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Varsity Cup Netball at NMMU

Last night we headed down to the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Indoor Sport Centre for the last day of three days of Varsity Cup Netball.  Wow, it really is a spectacle to watch. Fast and furious.  Pity it was so badly promoted which lead to a bad turnout, but those who did come was treated to top notch netball.  Here NMMU Madibaz in blue is playing Tuks in white.

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Grysbok Reserve road

Very few people know that the South Campus of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is situated on a nature reserve.  The Grysbos Nature Reserve can be accessed (with permission) from the campus along this road.  I went to a meeting at the campus and snapped the pic over the gate on my way past.

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Zebra at university

After yesterday's post on the Grysbok Nature Reserve tour, Peter Betts made a comment on my Facebook page regarding the reserve.  Peter, who has a deep found love for nature, lives right on the edge of the reserve in the suburb of Summerstrand and commented on how interesting a trip it is.  He highlighted something that I didn't mention which are the Khoisan shell middens in the reserve.  He also mentioned how he loves hearing the zebras calling in the…


Grysbok Reserve tour

Alan Fogarty of Alan Tours does a very informative tour of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University's Grysbok Nature Reserve.  Usually the tours are conducted in an open 4x4, but on the day we went the weather was a bit iffy and he took us in his closed vehicle.  We stopped a couple of times during the tour and Alan showed us the indigenous dune vegetation and fynbos as well as the plants that the Khoisan used for medicinal and other purposes.  The…

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Grysbok Nature Reserve

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University's South Campus (previously the University of Port Elizabeth main campus) is very unique in that it is the only university campus in South Africa wholly situated inside a nature reserve.  The campus covers 830 ha and was declared a Private Nature Reserve in 1983.  The reserve is dominated by the St Francis Dune Thicket and fynbos vegetation.  The vegetation is highly threatened due to agricultural clearing and coastal development and the NMMU Nature Reserve, also called the…


Fly a kite

Today was the annual kite flying day of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University's School of Architecture. A couple of hundred architecture, technology and interior design students take part in this ice breaker event at the start of a new year. Unfortunately the Windy City didn't live up to its reputation and the kite fliers struggled a bit to get their creations into the sky. This guy with his kite on a fishing rod was one of the successful fliers who…