Smartie (Bibo) Train

Is there anybody out there who grew up in Port Elizabeth who doesn't remember the Smartie train at Kings Beach? I remember how we went to the little kiddies pool by the train and went on rides afterwards. I still have a photo somewhere with us kids standing in front of the train. Today the pool is a quad bike / go-cart track, but the train still goes, although not called the Smartie Train anymore. The Bibo Train runs on…


The Boma Reptile World

Situated in the coastal bush along the Sardinia Bay Road is The Boma which is a great venue for weddings, conferences, picnics and other functions.Among the attractions at The Boma is the Reptile World, where grandpa and grandson went went today for a visit. They have an interesting variety of local and exotic reptiles. It is an ideal opportunity to get up close and personal with the reptiles and get to learn about them, from the knowledgable guide.Grandson is seen…