The lagoon at Van Stadens Mouth

We spent a day at Van Stadens Mouth Resort for the first time in many years and the KidZ absolutely loved the lagoon next to the resort.  There are paddle boats for hire but we took along our own little blowup boat along and it was a huge struggle to get the KidZ out of the water for the braai later on.

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Coega gantries in the mist

This week's posts are turning into a mini Wells Estate series.  Wells Estate is situated close to the Coega Harbour and standing on the end of the pier you can see the harbour with all its gantries and cranes.  On my visit it was foggy out Coega way and the cranes looked like specters in the mist. 


Wells Estate Pier

I want to bet that most PE Daily Photo readers who live in Port Elizabeth have never actually been to the Wells Estate pier.  Yes, everybody knows where it is and have seen the blue buildings along the N2 just outside Bluewater Bay, but who has ever turned off to have a look. Although I've been there before I decided to stop by for some photos and took a walk along the pier to the end.  This is where I took the…

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Surfing dolphins

On my way to Colchester for a meeting I had some time to play with and decided to stop at Wells Estate to snap a couple of pictures (and look for a Geocache).  Standing on the end of the Wells Estate Pier I noticed a pod of dolphins swimming along the shoreline just behind the waves.  Suddenly they started surfing the waves right in front of me. Now that is always a treat and even better if one has a camera on…


Surfing with dolphines

Driving back to the office from a meeting at the university I decided to stop at Pipe to see if there were any surfers out there.  There weren't that many but those who were out catching a wave was joined by a couple dolphins swimming past.  I bet a rookie surfer's heart would skip a beat if he had to spot a dolphin's fin behind a wave for the first time.


Tanks at Schoenies

Most people enjoy Port Elizabeth's main beaches but there are the few who try to flee the crowds to their favorite hidden spots and the little "beaches" and gullies in Schoenmakerskop are amongst these.  The most popular one in Schoenies is just in front of the Sacramento Restaurant and can be reached via steps down to the beach.  The spot is called Tanks.  According to Luc Hosten of Friends of Schoenmakerskop there are two theories on where the name came from.  The first one is that apparently large…

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Algoa Bay Bell Buoy

About three years ago I dug up the info below on the Algoa Bay Bell Buoy and created a post to keep it in until I get a picture of the buoy.  The problem is that the Bell Buoy is about 2,5 kilometers out to sea and its not like I'm just going to just strap my camera to my back and take a swim out there.  Cruising along the beachfront on The Jester last night we had perfect weather…


Willows sunset

Late last year we spent an evening at Willows Resort with the in-laws and this was the sunset from in front of chalet.  You couldn't ask for better.

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Top of Maitland Dune

I often wonder how many Port Elizabeth folk have never climbed up the Maitland dune at least once in their life.  Can't be many but if you haven't, this is the view you would not have seen.

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