The Victorian Conservatory

St Georges Park was established in 1861, and in 1864 the lands around it were subdivided and sold off, to create funds for the further development and maintenance of the park. One of the developments was this conservatory, built to house tropical plants. It is a bit tatty these days, but remains a beautiful structure.


Jimminy Cricket!!!

Cricket has certainly moved with the times. For those who find 5 days of stiff-upper-lip play with white clothing and a sedate pace a bit heavy going, there are now new formats which make the game much more exciting. The newest of these is the 20-20 match, which is fast paced, 4s and 6s fly, the music is loud and trendy, gogo dancers and flame throwers go ballistic everytime something exciting happens, the crowds really get involved and the atmosphere…

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St Georges Park #3

The Prince Alfred's Guard memorial was erected in 1907 to the memory of the Regiments dead in four wars. It was manufactured by MacFarlane's Saracen Foundry in Glasgow, Scotland and is located on top of a water tank that serves Central.


St Georges Park #2

The St Georges Cricket Ground taken from the duck pond side.St Georges Park is very quiet in the early hours of the morning, but is a hive of activity on cricket days. We will be featuring some more of the many attractions of the Park in the next few posts