Predator Park boardwalk

The Seaview Game and Lion Park is currently busy with a re branding process and will in future be known as the Seaview Predator Park.  The boardwalk below the restaurant is one of the main features at the park and visitors can watch the lion and tiger cubs play below.  You can also have the opportunity to interact with the cubs and most international visitors love the chance to be able to touch and play with them.  

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Graffiti at Barnacles

So how often did you mother rap you over the fingers for drawing on her walls when you were small.  Now imagine somewhere they encourage you to do so.  The walls in the Barnacles Restaurant in Seaview is covered in messages and names of visitors who have marked their visit on the walls of the restaurant with a bit of encouraged graffiti.



One of the tigers at the Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth. Seaview has three adult tigers, of which one recently gave birth, in a big enclosure next to the white lions.


Giraffe at Seaview

There is just something majestic when you see a giraffe. Tall and graceful and extremely photogenic. I took this photograph at Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth. Did you know? A giraffe has seven neck vertebrae. The same amount as a human. I wonder why I can't see over a six foot wall.

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Cuddle cubs

The Seaview Game and Lion Park is situated just west of Port Elizabeth. They have a white lion breeding program. The lion cubs are all hand reared by the staff who give them their bottles, sit up with them at night and even take them potty. Ok not potty. In their case its lawny, or grassy or sommer behind the bushy. LOL. Why I say that is that when a cub is small the mother would lick their thingies (for…

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Lion cubs

Lions cups at the Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port ElizabethToday is the one year blogoversary since I took over Port Elizabeth Daily Photo. Wow! How time has flown. It has truly been an enjoyable ride so far and doesn't feel like one year. Here is to many more. Cheers.


Kini Bay coast line

Kini Bay is situated west of Port Elizabeth and is part of Port Elizabeth's "Wildside". The Wildside refers to the coastline outside Algoa Bay stretching to the west. Most of it consist of rocky shoreline although there are sections of magnificent sandy beaches in between at Sardinia Bay and Maitlands. Kini Bay is a small "village" (actually a suburb of Port Elizabeth) just before you get to Seaview. It is said that the name originates from the fact that in…


The perfect sea view

I got to visit the Sea Otters Lodge in Kini Bay just west of Port Elizabeth today and was stunned by its perfect setting. Walking out onto the back garden you are literally on the beach. At the bottom of the garden is a two seater swing with the perfect view. I could see myself spending a day sitting there with a drink, a book and lots of peace and quiet.


Seaview Game and Lion Park

The Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth has become a institution over the years with many people who went there as children now taking their children. Seaview Game Park's main activity is a breeding project for white lions, although they also have normal lions as well as tigers and a number of game species which ca be seen as one drives through the park. On a Sunday at 12 noon they feed their lions in the main…