Laurie’s Bay

On Saturday morning we joined a couple of friends for a walk from Kini Bay to Laurie's Bay. It's not a long walk, but definitely not easy if you are barefoot or in slops. The beach along the way may be beautiful, but the beach isn't quite soft sand but rather mostly fine broken shells. It's still worth it though. At the end of the beach you get to a collection of cottages right on the coastline and on the…

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The road past Beachview

How about a little roadtrip around PE? Start on the beachfront and follow Marine Drive along the Wildside to Schoenmakerskop, around to Sardinia Bay and then onto the Seaview Road to Seaview, Beachview and Maitland (perhaps as far as the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve), before returning along Kragga Kamma Road to Port Elizabeth. This is what the road past Beachview on the way to Maitland looks like. Views for ages.

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Rest-a-While on Kragga Kamma Road

When was the last time you drove down Kragga Kamma Road to Coleen Glen? Been a while?  Have you ever noticed the little building on the right hand side not far from Cow's Corner?  Well that little building has a new tenant, a new jacket and a new purpose.  Rest-a-While (Pebble Springs) is the biggest little farm stall around.  Not so much a farm stall as in the traditional sense of the word, but who knows what it can develop into…


Seaview coastline

A hazy late afternoon on the coast at Seaview with an approaching thunderstorm

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Chokka boat lights off Seaview

Drama Princess went to sleep over at a friend's house in Seaview a few nights ago.  We dropped her off a little late and it was dark by the time we got there.  I just love the view from Seaview over the ocean.  The bright lights are chokka boats fishing off the coast.  In the background are white and red lights.  The white lights is Jeffrey's Bay while the red lights are from the JBay Wind Farm turbines.

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The sun setting over Seaview

Chaos Boy spent Saturday afternoon at a friend's place in Seaview and I headed out there late afternoon to fetch him.  It wasn't quite sunset time yet, but the sun was starting to head towards the horizon so I pulled over to snap this pic.  I'm still trying to figure out the best setting on my DSLR to take sunset pictures but hopefully I'll get there soon.

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Lauries Bay cottages

The cottages along the coast at Lauries Bay near Kini Bay.  The cottages, or shacks as a lot of owners refer to them, stand on private land and if you buy one you only have limited rights and not ownership of the land on which your cottage stands.  The cottages are mostly self sufficient as there are no water or electricity supply to the area. 

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Geocaching at Shelly Beach

One of the things I enjoy most about Geocaching is the fact that it takes you to interesting and beautiful places.  A good example is a cache I placed at Shelly Beach at Lauries Bay about 2 km along the beach from Kini Bay.  I took a walk down the coast from Kini Bay on New Year's Day to do some maintenance on the cache and took my camera with.  This is the view from close to the cache location…

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