Stained glass windows

I don't know why but for some reason people don't really associate the old churches in Port Elizabeth with magnificent stained glass windows.  Normally one would immediately think of the Cathedral and Commem in Grahamstown.  But there are a number of places in Port Elizabeth with stunning stained glass windows notably the St Mary's Cathedral, St Augustine's Cathedral and the Public Library.  


William Savage stained glass window

One of the stained glass windows in the historic Public Library in the Port Elizabeth city centre shows the picture of Mr WH Savage.  I Googled the name but couldn't find much and then turned to Margaret Harradine's Port Elizabeth, A social chronicle to the end of 1945.  William Savage was born in Kent in 1824 and came to Port Elizabeth in 1849.  He had a business selling stationary and hardware and was a generous benefactor of several good causes both in Port…


Historic Public Library

One of my favorite places as a child was the Public Library in the city centre.  We used to go to work with my mom during school holidays every now and then and would spend just about the whole day in the library.  Its such an amazing place with its rows and tows of books on various levels and magnificent stained glass windows.The history of the library is quite interesting.  A small reading society, known as the Port Elizabeth News Society,…


Stained glass photographer

A couple of us at work have started to pop out once a week to visit some of the tourist and historic (which is also tourist) attractions around town to familiarise and keep ourselves up to date with the places tourists would go to.  The places we selected for last week's visit presented us with a lot of stained glass both historic as well as much more recent.  Here I caught one of my colleagues photographing a stained glass window in the…


Of angels and books

One of the, at a lack of a better word, features on the historic Public Library in the city centre with what looks like an angel on top and a book in the centre.

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Queen Vic and the library tower

The statue of Queen Victoria was erected in front of the Public Library in the city centre in 1903 in commemoration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (1897).  The library building itself was erected in 1902.


Looking up at Queen Vic

Looking up at the statue of Queen Victoria standing in front of the historic Public Library in the Port Elizabeth city centre.  The statue was unveiled in 1903, one year after the library's opening.Visit Skywatch for more pictures from around the world featuring the sky


Library queen

Port Elizabeth has so many interesting and facinating monuments and statues, but Queen Victoria with the old Public Library behind it still stays one of my favorite scenes to photograph.