Fishing in the Baakens Mouth

A week or two ago we went for lunch at This is Eat at the Port Elizabeth harbor and I was watching a couple of fishermen fishing where the Baakens River (Mouth) and the harbor meets.  Going back to the pre-1960's this whole area around the harbor was where the residents of the old South End used to fish and feed their families from.  The guys didn't have any luck while we were there but I hope they pulled something out…

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Yacht Club yachts

I don't get to go to the harbor that often.  It doesn't help that security is tight to get it so when I do its because of something that is on at the Algoa Bay Yacht Club.  This was the case a week or so ago when I was invited to a function at the Yacht Club by Raggy Charters.  I would still love to go out with them one day, but this was a more special occasion to celebrate…

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Ships in Algoa Bay

Port Elizabeth is the only city in South Africa with two commercial harbours that can accommodate big ships.  The Port Elizabeth Harbour has been around since the 1930's while the Coega deep water harbour has been in operation for about a decade now.  Although the two isn't as busy as Durban Harbour which is the busiest in Africa and the 10th busiest in the world (or something like that), we have a fair amount of ship traffic in the bay. …

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Red, white and blue fishing boats

Last week I got to attend an event at the Algoa Bay Yacht Club to celebrate a couple of awards won by Port Elizabeth's marine tour and whale watching operator  Raggy Charters.  I noticed these three red, white and blue fishing boats tied up to each other and just had to snap a pic.  Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light....

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Fishing boats in the harbour

Standing at the top of the Campanile one tends to wonder how many have never seen the views from up here.  I can understand somebody who is unable to climb for whatever reason not to go to the top, but most others who have never been there is probably to some degree just too lazy to take the 204 steps to the top.  So kick those lazy bones in under the bed and be adventurous.  The climb won't kill you…

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Harbour in sepia

After posting a picture featuring the Port Elizabeth Harbour on Tuesday, I decided to do another one.  This time its an fairly empty harbor photographed from Fort Frederick and posted in sepia.  I always love the "harbor giraffes".

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Export cars on PE Harbour

Nelson Mandela Bay is a motoring mecca with General Motors situated in Port Elizabeth and VW in Uitenhage as well as numerous other motor related factories manufacturing everything from engines and catalytic converters to bolts and rubber tubing.  Both GM and VW export their cars through the Port Elizabeth Harbour and from the top of the Campanile you can see the cars lined up quayside waiting to be shipped abroad.  

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Harbour sunset

I love to photograph sunrises and sunsets.  Unfortunately I don't get myself up early enough in summer for a sunrise (although the chances are better to snap one in winter) I get sunset pics a bit more often (although not nearly as much as I would like to).  This sunset I snapped after cruising on Algoa Bay on the Jester as we returned to the Port Elizabeth harbor.

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Coega gantries in the mist

This week's posts are turning into a mini Wells Estate series.  Wells Estate is situated close to the Coega Harbour and standing on the end of the pier you can see the harbour with all its gantries and cranes.  On my visit it was foggy out Coega way and the cranes looked like specters in the mist.