Then and Now – Baakens River Bridge

We all know the Baakens River flows through Port Elizabeth and that most of the Baakens Valley is protected green open spaces all the way from Sunridge Park, past the 3rd Avenue Dip, through Walmer and Mill Park to Settlres Park.  It really is a pity that the municipality doesn't look after the well being of the river better and that the open spaces aren't utilised as much as the potential it has, but it's still a very special area.…

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Lunch time at This is Eat

Have you ever had lunch at This is Eat at the harbour?  Not? You're only missing the best takeaway fish and calamari at the best prices in town.  Last week we had a quick lunch time Geocaching event at the restaurant and as I'm on diet I had to sit and watch my friends eat. I was very tempted though...

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Coega from the sky

Fly to Durban the other day I leaned over the Damselfly who was sitting by the window to snap a pic of the Coega Harbour down below.  Not the best picture but a different angle from what you see passing on the N2  

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Then and Now – Lower Baakens Valley

Way back in the early days when the first ships started coming past our coastline they used to sail into the bay to get fresh water in the lagoon near the mouth of the Baakens River.  The Baakens River got it's name from the Dutch East Indian Company beacon that was placed at the fountain below Fort Frederick from where sailors could collect fresh water from for the ships.  The fountain later supplied water to the early settlement that later…

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The Queen Elizabeth visits Port Elizabeth

Port Elizabeth is slowly becoming a more and more popular stopover spot for cruise ships.  Today the city was extremely fortunate to have the Queen Elizabeth visit for the day.  The Queen Elizabeth is a Vista-class cruise ship operated by the Cunard Line.  She is the second largest ship constructed for Conurd, exceeded only by its sister ship Queen Mary 2.  The ship was launched in January 2010 and had her maiden voyage in October of that year. Although you could…

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Fish and chips at Struibaai Harbour

I always think that the guys along the coast in the Western Cape are very fortunate because of the amount of fresh fish available to them from all the fishing harbours.  Whenever we get to travel in the province we like to go and have fish and chips from a local takeaway, usually overlooking the harbour and surrounds.  During December we were camping in the Overberg and did a daytrip from Gansbaai to Agulhas.  Somewhere in between the Damselfly mentioned that she…


Guarding the harbour

When last have you been to Fort Frederick?  Most of us get to visit the fort as kids while on a school tour of the city, but I bet a big number of Port Elizabethans have never been back there as adults. 

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PE time lapse

[youtube=]The Video Friday post for today is another time lapse.  It was shot from somewhere in South End looking towards the harbor.  It's only 15 seconds long so no excuses not to watch it.

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