Port Elizabeth – a century of being a city

Exactly one hundred years ago, on 28 July 1913, Port Elizabeth was declared a city.  It doesn't mean that Port Elizabeth is 100 years old, because its not.  Its much older than that.  The first settlement in Port Elizabeth started to develop around Fort Frederick after its completion in 1799 and it was officially named by Sir Rufane Donkin after his wife Lady Elizabeth in 1820 when he came to Algoa Bay to oversee the landing of the British Settlers.  A couple of events have been…

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Another view from the fort

Whenever you see pictures of Fort Frederick its usually of the view towards the harbour, the entrance or the interior of the fort.  I dug up a photograph which I took standing inside the fort while looking towards the Donkin Reserve.  The top of the lighthouse as well as the giant South African is visible.  Part of the Prince Alfred Guard Drill Hall can also be seen just below the lighthouse.   Fort Frederick was built in 1799 by the British to…


Urban Run 2012

On Sunday I tackled the 2nd annual Urban Run along with about 1000 other athletes runners competitors adventurous people. What an amazing experience!!!  Urban Run is a 10,5km urban obstacle course through the Port Elizabeth city centre, the historical part of town, St Georges Park, Settlers Park and surrounding area.  The 17 obstacles along the way included crawling through cement pipes, scaling Fort Frederick, crossing the Baakens River on poles and running trough a train.  Did I mention the steps?  No?  There were lots of steps. And…


Arriving at the fort

One of the stops we did with the St Dominic's Priory kids on their city tour last week was at Fort Frederick, the oldest building in Port Elizabeth.  It was great to see that the fort seemed to have been cleaned up recently.  Lets hope it stays that way.

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Fort interior

Looking at this scene of the inside of Fort Frederick today its hard to believe that back after it was competed in 1799 the fort was base to a full army garrison manning it.  Oh how one would love to travel back in time to see it first hand.


On the Fort’s wall

Stopping by Fort Frederick the other day I spotted this guy enjoying the view from the top of the fort's walls.  Looking at the picture I wonder what it would have looked like with soldiers on the walls just after the fort was built in 1799.


The Fort

The closest I have to an aerial photo of Fort Frederick, Port Elizabeth's oldest building, is one taken from the top of the Donkin Lighthouse.  The views from the lighthouse is fantastic although its a bit of a tight climb up to the top.

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Defending the Bay

Late afternoon at Fort Frederick looking east towards the Port Elizabeth harbour and Algoa Bay beyond.  The fort, which is the oldest building in Port Elizabeth, was built in 1799 to protect the Bay from invasion and was the first permanent stone structure to be built by the British in Africa south of the equator.


Fort Frederick panorama

This is very much a test post for a test image. My camera broke a couple of weeks ago and I bought a similar camera for about the same price as what the repairs would have been. There are one or two differences to it though, but the biggest new thing on it is a panorama setting. I stopped at Fort Frederick to try it out on the view from the fort and this is what came out. I didn't…