Pincushion Proteas at Van Stadens

We stopped by the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve on Sunday afternoon for a quick walk.  I've always found that it doesn't matter what time of year I visit the reserve, there is always something in flower.  At the moment it's the Pincushion Proteas.

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Hardy little yellow flowers

I am always amazed when I see flowers right on the coast like these at Schoenies.  I know they are hardy but how they survive growing in sand and bad soil and getting battered by the salty sea winds all the time and still flower like this is above me.  

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Richmond Hill Jacaranda

I don't know why but I am noticing the blooming Jacaranda trees around Port Elizabeth a lot more this year than in the past.  Then I saw a picture of this specific Jacaranda Tree in Richmond Hill on Facebook earlier in the week and this morning while in the area recognised it.  So I just had to stop and take a photo.

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Van Stadens King Protea

The Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve must be one of the best places around to see Proteas and other Fynbos species growing in the wild.  Not just is it great to view wild flowers, but the reserve also has a number of excellent trails for you to go and stretch you legs along.  The trails range from short easy walks along the plateau to longer ones that require a bit more effort down into the surrounding gorge and valleys. 

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Coral Aloes in flower

The flowering Coral Aloes in the Karoo just north of Olifantskop was stunning again this year.  We really don't have to go very far from Port Elizabeth to see nature in all it's splendor. 

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My other air plant is flowering as well

Last week I posted a picture of my air plants flowering and received quite a few questions about in, especially on Facebook.  Most people asked what I do to make them flower as their's don't.  I have to types of air plants around my yard (don't ask me what they are called cause I don't know) with the one type flowering bright pink with blue every year.  The other type grows quite fast forming big clumps but doesn't really flower…


Flowers flowers everywhere

I spent most of my Saturday in the garden and feeling a little in need of gardening inspiration we headed to Floradale Nursery on Circular Drive.  Now I know even less what I want to plant. Wow, the options are endless and so many plants are flowering.  Going to have to plan the garden better for next spring. 

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Fields of flowers in the Karoo

 It's dry in the Karoo.  The word Karoo doesn't mean "Place of Thirst" for nothing.  But the smallest amount of rain in the last winter of early spring means that there will be flowers.  And flowers there were when I drove through the Karoo Heartland late in September.  On the road north of Steynsburg I had to double take when I suddenly saw fields of yellow flowers and just could not help but to pull over and take out my…

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My air plants are flowering

I don't have big flowerbeds in my garden.  For that I just don't have enough time and green enough fingers.  I do have a few different plants and lots of succulents though and one of those I probably get most excited about when they flower is my air plants.   Air plants (Tillandsia) is a member of the Bromeliad family and is actually very easy to grow.  They don't need soil and you only need to water them slightly (like…

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