Addo flowers

After the rains we had in the Eastern Cape this past winter the veld is looking really good.  Its no different in the Addo Elephant National Park with lots of yellow and purple flowers all over.

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Addo fygies

Addo Elephant National Park is looking stunning after all the rain the area had during winter and spring.  The veld is green with swaths of yellow flowers and purple fygies while there are a lot young animals about as well.  Unfortunately my visit was a quick one for business so I didn't have time to take a nice leisurely drive through the park.  Hopefully I'll get that chance again soon. 

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Lilies and cottages

Lilies growing along Oak Lane in Storms River Village in the Tsitsikamma with some of the old forestry houses (now under the control of SA National Parks) in the background.  Beyond the houses is the Tsitsikamma forest and in particular the Plaatbos section.


Fygies between the rocks

Vygies is a type of succulent and most of them are in full flower at the moment.  I found this little clump between the rocks in the Tsitsikamma National Park at the Storms River Rest camp.


Biiiiiiig lilies

We spend a couple of days in the Tsitsikamma this week chilling out and exploring the area.  The lilies in the forest are in full bloom and truly stunning, some as big as two hands cupped together.  I have a lot more Storms River and Tsitsikamma (one of the most beautiful areas in South Africa) stuff that will follow.


South End Walk flowers

September is Tourism month and on the second Saturday of September a group of about 40 people went on a guided walk around the South End Museum Heritage Trail organised by Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism.  I found this patch of fygies growing next to the road close to the green mosque.  I dashed down to get a picture of the group passing it in the background and with my somewhat slow camera only got one shot before they had past.  Pity…

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Aloe at Addo

The aloes are in full bloom and where ever you go around the Eastern Cape its bright orange flowers are visible.  These are next to the walkway by the lookout over the Addo Elephant National Park's main camp waterhole.

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