Then and Now: St Peters Church (ruins)

When the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship was in the PE Harbour a few weeks ago I took a drive to the St Peters Church ruins in South End as it has a great view of the harbour.  It's been a year or two since I've last been there so I took a walk around the ruins and snapped a few pictures.  I found this old picture of St Peters with the Fishermen's Cross in front of it and decided to…

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St Peter’s windows

Just imagine what these windows of the St Peter's church ruins would have looked like with stained glass windows in a beautiful historic church compared to this.

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St Cuthberts church steeple

I was at the Westbourne Oval this morning for Drama Princess' school's athletics but couldn't help but to snap a pic of St Cuthberts Anglican Church's steeple down the road before heading inside.

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The history of St Philips Church in Richmond Hill

I sometimes ask myself, "Self, how many people every wonder about the history of an old building when they drive past it?"  I snapped a picture of St Philips Church in Richmond Hill yesterday and decided to go and see if I can find any information about the church's history and background.  Guess what? I'm going to share what I found with you. St Philip started as a mission church way back in about 1872 with families, mostly Dutch speaking, who had moved to…

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St Philips Church and Street

The St Philips Anglican Church in St Philips Street, Richmond Hill use to feature quite often on PE Daily Photo after Sue and Max started it as they stay just up the road from it.  I don't get to Richmond Hill that often but had to stop at the church to *cough* look for a Geocache today.  I just had to take a pic or two.  I'll post the other one tomorrow.


Holy water for runners

Our church (Hoogland Dutch Reformed Church) recently installed a public tap for runners and others in need of a drink of water.  I love the creativity of whoever was in charge of the project.

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St Katharines in Uitenhage

A little caching expedition took me to St Katharine Church in Uitenhage the other day.  The foundation stone, which cannot be found today, was laid in 1867 and it is from this date that the anniversaries are counted, although the building (as in construction) only began in 1869.  It was completed in 1875 after many financial constraints and problems and dedicated that same year by Rev. William Llewellyn.  It was named by him after St. Katharine, an eighth century Egyptian Princess who was beautiful…

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Holy Trinity Church fence

Port Elizabeth has some truly beautiful old historic stone churches around Central.  One of them is the Holy Trinity Church next to Havelock Square.  The Holy Trinity Church was established in 1854 when a group broke away from St Mary’s church and started having for services in a small room in Kemp Street.  They later moving to a church at the bottom of Military Road with the first church on the present site opening for worship in 1866.  The original church was gutted when a deranged woman set…

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Historic Uitenhage corrigated iron church

I am amazed at the places I have discovered while out Geocaching.  One of my recent discoveries is the Evangelical Mission Church in Uitenhage.  Approaching down the road I didn't realize the corrugated iron building was a church until I stopped, had a good look and noticed the roof lantern.  According to the cache listing "this little church is a ridged and gabled, timber framed building.  The building is a good example of a genre which has mostly disappeared.  It retained some detail features such…

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St Phillips church revisited

Back in the early days of PE Daily Photo before I took over from Sue and Max, the St Philips Anglican Church in Richmond Hill got featured on a fairly regular basis, specially around sunrise or sunset.  That's because Sue and Max live just up the road from it.  I on the other hand live on the other side of town and don't get to visit Richmond Hill that often.  Last weekend I had to attend a function at another…

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