Taxis in Whites Road

One of the Route 67 art pieces that gets the most comment from visitors is the taxis on the wall in front of the PE Opera House in Whites Road.  The taxis represent the mode of public transport used by most South Africans. "History is often shaped by momentus events, while cities with their alleys, streets and avenues are formed by the layers rhythms of the daily necessity.  This rhythim of place, shaped by the everyday, becomes the song of…

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Then and Now – The Athenaeum building

The Port Elizabeth Athenaeum Society of Port Elizabeth was founded in 1856 to promote the interests of science and literature among the members and general public.  In 1859 land was granted for the erection of the Town Hall and it stated that the building had to provide space for a library and athenaem as well.  In 1887 the athenaeum was dissolved and the Council took over it's assets, which included a museum, which was housed in the Town HallIn 1894…

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Harmony in Nature on Route 67

One of the more unusual art pieces along Roue 67 is the Harmony in Nature piece in front of the Atheneaum building.  The piece uses an old optical technique used by the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo and uses optical illusion and mathematics to create a 3D picture that reflects from the flat and distorted mosaic surrounding the pole.  The artwork shows fauna and flora from the Eastern Cape and truly is a must see.

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Coffee with Geocachers

I joined a couple of my fellow Geocachers for a lunch time coffee "event" at the new Urban Express Coffee Shop at the Donkin Village development.  I can see this spot becoming very popular, specially for meetings over coffee, seeing its location and how central it is.  And yes, that's our bunch on the right.

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Donkin Village redevelopment

I met up with a few friends for coffee over lunch time at the new coffee shop at the Donkin Village.  I've seen the work being done on the Donkin Street Houses but this was the first time I got to see the development from the back.  I really think once the work is done the whole Donkin Village precinct is going to look very nice.  Already it has drawn in a whole host of tenants making it quite a…

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Then and Now – Trinder Square

Back in the early days of Port Elizabeth there used to be a vlei area where Trinder Square in Central is located today.  The "Vlei" was a natural drainage point and in the early and mid 1800's it was used to provide water for animals with a lot of farmers coming to do business at the market square bringing their animals here to drink.  The Garrison Company's gardens was also laid out on the western side of the vlei.  The…

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Then and Now – Top of Whites Road

The Port Elizabeth tramway network was opened on 14 May 1881 and was initially operated horse-cars.  On 16 June 1897 the network was converted to electrical power and the system operated until it was closed on 17 December 1948.  One of the most challenging parts of the tramway network was going up Whites Road past the Opera House.  Apparently at one stage boys with buckets of sand used to throw sand on the line to give the trams more grip going up the hill.Looking down Whites Road today it's all…

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Trinder Square development

Trinder Square is the latest addition to the Route 67 public art pieces.  All around the central grassy area mosaic covered benches have been erected.  The benches have been inspired by the exposed roots of the wild fig trees growing in the park and can be used to watch the locals play soccer in the park or kids playing on the newly installed play equipment.

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St Cuthberts church steeple

I was at the Westbourne Oval this morning for Drama Princess' school's athletics but couldn't help but to snap a pic of St Cuthberts Anglican Church's steeple down the road before heading inside.

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Fort Frederick and Central

Standing in Fort Frederick looking towards Central the Donkin Lighthouse and Great Flag can be seen on the Donkin Reserve.  The building obscuring the lower part of the lighthouse is the Prince Alfred Guard Drill Hall.

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