Perhaps it’s only me, but this angle of the cable car approaching the Upper Cable Station on Table Mountain is probably one of the most iconic and recognisable Table Mountain photo opportunities not showing the actual mountain. I especially like this angle when the low clouds push in from the sea and you only see the top of Lions Head sticking out above it. Now if I can just get the opportunity to photograph it which isn’t the easiest thing to do if you don’t actually live in Cape Town.
My visit up Tabel Mountain was made possible courtesy of Table Mountain Aerial Cableway
My favorite was the cable car disappearing into the clouds below. Definitely have to spend more time in Cape Town on the next trip.
I know that they shouldn't but cable cars make me very nervous. We have an incline in Pittsburgh, PA….and folks always want to go up when they come to town….the last time I went was the last time I'm going!
Perfect picture!!!
Awesome view.