During the Apartheid years Bloemfontein was called the judicial capital of South Africa. That was because the Appeals Court of South Africa is situated there. It used to be thew highest court before the establishment of the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg. In 1996 it was renamed the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa by the Constitution and it has 22 judges presiding there.
The court was formed with the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. The Court initially used accommodation in the Fourth Raadsaal across the road. The first and only court building was opened on 1 October 1929 and was extended in 1967. It is currently being refurbished and extended to accommodate the increase in the number of cases heard by it and the increased number of judges.
The building is said to have been built in a free Renaissance style. The old part was built with sandstone from Ladybrand and the newer eastern wing with sandstone from Ficksburg. The new part of the building is being similarly clad.
I have so enjoyed catching up on your posts and finding my old “stomping” ground being the subject! Bloem is such a beautiful city with small town values! I just love it!
Hope they stick to the same architectural design.
Interesting history of the court and the building. I like the flowers you've ended the series with. Cheers!
How stately these buildings are.