Stretch to eat Post author:fitravel Post published:18/05/2009 Post category:Uncategorized Reading time:1 mins read A giraffe at the Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth eating off the top of a sweet thorn tree. Tags: animals, game reserves Read more articles Previous PostDinosaur hall Next PostShipwreck canons You Might Also Like Moon dancing with Venus and Jupiter 02/12/2008 Hogsback – a fairy wonderland of forests and waterfalls 06/12/2016 Beach and skyline 18/08/2010 This Post Has 2 Comments Jo 18/05/2009 Oh, how wonderful. I love giraffes. They seem to be such placid, gentle animals. Vagabonde 19/05/2009 I went to Zoo Atlanta last week and saw the giraffes. They are in an “African environment” but not as green and lovely as the one in your picture. Comments are closed.
Vagabonde 19/05/2009 I went to Zoo Atlanta last week and saw the giraffes. They are in an “African environment” but not as green and lovely as the one in your picture.
Oh, how wonderful. I love giraffes. They seem to be such placid, gentle animals.
I went to Zoo Atlanta last week and saw the giraffes. They are in an “African environment” but not as green and lovely as the one in your picture.