A little while ago I popped outside one evening to pull the car into the garage and saw the most unusual sky. It wasn’t quite a big ring around the moon, but rather more a big patch of light in the sky around the moon with the darkness moving in like a cold front. There was a distinct line between the light and dark areas and after about 10 or 15 minutes the light was just about gone. Very strange.
Strange night sky
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I have seen a lot of strange night sights. I wonder sometimes what they are. My neighbor saw what he thought was a UFO dark from behind and then back behind a large white cloud. That was a long time ago. Nobody seems to notice them nowadays. Abraham Lincoln
I'm glad you noticed the sky and shared it with us! I'm curious as to what the cause of the distinct line was; maybe we'll never know.
mmm ! We had half a moon here! Do we live on the same planet? And I also noticed how strange 'our' moon was – it looked like a slice of watermelon .. very bright half circle (thick skin) and then a mottled half (flesh of watermelon). Was in the car and did not have my camera with me.
Oh Ok – go back three spaces!! Read your post .. from the beginning … and it read .. “A little while ago” … – sorry! We do live on the same planet!
Strange! Haven't had a look at the moon in a while! P has me all tired out of lunar sightings! It's all we see and talk about! Will have a look tonight and see what ours is about!
Mayan calendar only goes to 2012. Looking at a sky that looks like that makes yah wonder, what did they know that we havent figured out yet. =0I
Hi,I saw your comment on Abe's blog and came over for a glimpse. Not sure if this is what they call a corona. I've never seen one.Yours is a great capture! Looks like you went outside at the right moment.I've perused a couple of your blogs while I've been here – nice work.Carletta’s Captures.