
On a recent visit to one of the game reserves close to Port Elizabeth, we found this lone European Swallow sitting on a fence. Most of the swallows have left up north already and the first thing that came to mind was “straggler”. I can imagine him sitting there watching the sky and wondering if its really time to head north before winter arrives down here.
For more great pictures where you can watch the sky like this little fellow, go to Skywatch.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Steffi

    Hello again!I hope you had a pleasant week!Very nice photo and interest post again!I like your other stories of the giraffe and the elephants too!Have a nice weekend!

  2. SandyCarlson

    I am glad he stayed behind for his portrait!

  3. Karin

    Poor little guy, he looks kind of lonely! Great capture!

  4. Babooshka

    I’m so envious. Swallows are such skittish birds to have one sit still for even one second is just perfect timing. Well done.

  5. Bonnie Bonsai

    A straggler in his contemplating mood. Why not?

  6. Avril

    Great photo! Hope he doesn’t wait too long then he’ll be stuck here the whole winter!

  7. Erin

    what a sweet little thing…nice entry for skywatch friday, have a great rest of the weekend.

  8. Anonymous

    You have the most beautiful pics on your blog! Thank you for all of it! I would like to keep coming back!

  9. Sparrow Primitives

    Poor little guy! Our first swallows arrived a few days ago.

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