Is there anybody out there who grew up in Port Elizabeth who doesn’t remember the Smartie train at Kings Beach? I remember how we went to the little kiddies pool by the train and went on rides afterwards. I still have a photo somewhere with us kids standing in front of the train. Today the pool is a quad bike / go-cart track, but the train still goes, although not called the Smartie Train anymore. The Bibo Train runs on Sundays and also cater for school groups and birthday parties.
Memories are always nice to remember. This looks like a fun place.
I remember it well. We used to go down to Kings Beach as a family on Boxing Day and New Years Day (I’m talking late 70’s/early 80’s here) and spend the day there. The highlights were always the train rides, the Supertube (in later years) and the costume parades in the amphitheatre! Those were good times.