This old school building is one of PEs landmarks. Whenever you want to give directions in this area, you just have to say “do you know the Old Erica Building” and 90% of the time, the answer will be yes. It was built in 1903, and housed the Erica School for girls. When they outgrew it and moved across Albany Road to their new home in Mount Croix, it served many purposes, and currently houses the Art School of the Port Elizabeth College. As it perches on the edge of a cliff, it commands wonderful panoramic views of Algoa Bay, so I would imagine it is a pretty inspiring environment for the art students to work in. Below the cliff, stretching out to the left of the photo, is North End, a mixed area of old residences and commercial and light industrial properties.
skylines #3 Old Erica and the bay
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What a beautiful building! Just wonderful panoramic views of Algoa Bay! Great photo, Sue!Have a nice Sunday!
Taken from a nice height-very pretty!