I did a presentation at a SACCI meetings at the Athenaeum in Central this morning and grabbed the opportunity to go and have a look at the Share the Bay through your lens exhibition currently on in one of the exhibition rooms. Share the Bay through your lens is an exhibition hosted by Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism and Colours of You SA and features photos taken in the city by local photographers and Instagrammers and runs the length of September as part of Tourism Month. I couldn’t find any of my own photos although I’m sure I used the tag during the entry period. Perhaps not. Who knows. You get to see my picture here anyway. *Big grin* Anyhow, if you have a few minutes on your hands, do pop in at the Athenaeum for a look. The pictures on show are stunning.
Share the Bay through your lens exhibition
- Post author:fitravel
- Post published:15/09/2016
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Reading time:2 mins read