If I could choose any place to live in Port Elizabeth no matter what the cost or situation, Schoenmakerskop must be very close if not at the top of my list. Schoenies, as it is affectionately known, is in all purposes a small suburb of Port Elizabeth, but is generally referred to as a village. It is about 5 or so kilometers from suburban Port Elizabeth and can be reach either by driving about 20 kilometers or so along the Wildside on Marine Drive or from Walmer and Mount Pleasant side along Victoria Drive. During the week its very peaceful and quiet, but on weekends it does get a bit busier when people head down there to enjoy the little beach, explore the rock pools, walk the Sacramento trail or eat at the local restaurant. The path on the sign refers to a path down to the beach.
GPS: 34° 2’27.97″S, 25°32’10.39″E