A railroad switch on the narrow gauge line west of Port Elizabeth. So sad that there is no Apple Express running along this historic line at the moment, but from what I hear there are a lot of people working hard behind the scenes to get her back on the line.
Railroad switch
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Time is rapidly running out to get the Apple Express running again. The line in parts is in poor shape.Fascinating history of the line: https://sites.google.com/site/soulorailway/home/system-3-1/system-3 Has some amazing pictures.
History of the Apples Express line:https://sites.google.com/site/soulorailway/home/system-3-1/system-3
Would be good to hear that the Apple Express was running again!
Details on how to donate to the Apple Express Restoration project are available here:http://www.appleexpresstrain.co.za/files/2013/APPLE%20EXPRESS%20REFURBISHMENT-RELAUNCH%20PROJECT%20FUNDING.pdf
The railway line cuts right through our farm outside Joubertina in a long narrow gorge blasted open for the tracks. An old water channel crossing the gorge that one had to cross very precariously if the boerbokke decided to look for greener pastures. Also, two bridges cross the Wabooms River on our farm as well. Great was the excitement when the train did pass one day!
I like taking photos of railways. Love the angle of this one.