There is nothing artistic about the pic I’m posting tonight other than the fact that they are all about the performing arts. While we were in Ningbo we got to see many performances and were very lucky to see some of the talent the city has to offer.
This picture was taken at the official opening gala function of the Ningbo Tourism Festival.
This boy was one of two performers that amazed us with their skills at Tengtou Village. He also did an amazing performance of hopping up steps while standing on his head.
This is a traditional Chinese stage performer. Part of the act is that the mask changes colours a couple of times during the performance. He was one of many performers on stage on the opening day of the tourism exhibit on Tianyi Square.
This traditional orchestra performed at the National Day Reception hosted by the mayor of Ningbo. They look quite spectacular in their yellow dresses with the red background.
For the next week I may be a little erratic with my posts. We have a delegation from China arriving tomorrow and returning to China next Thursday. I have to fly to Cape Town tomorrow to meet them there and will be there for two days. We will be doing Table Mountain and Cape Point during our stay, so I am looking forward to getting some nice Cape Town pics. On Sunday we are back in Port Elizabeth and will be visiting two game reserves on one of the days, so I am hoping for some good animal pics as well. After they return to China my life will now get back to normal. It has been a hectic 6 weeks and I can’t wait to get some rest and get back to my normal work routine. So please excuse me if you don’t see much of me for the next 7 days, but I will make it up with some great South Africa pics when I get back.
Wow, you lead quite an interesting life! Enjoy the week ahead – I find our country fascinating all over again when I get to see it through the eyes of a foreigner. The pics from your trip is amazing btw and really gives a good overall impression of the country. So many beautiful colours!
The first picture on this blog looks like a painting it is so beautiful!I would LOVE to see pictures of Cape Town. Please! 🙂
I loved my trip to China
Brilliant, lovely shots 🙂
Karin – Usually I’m office bound. Its just that over the last 6 weeks I have been jetsetting all over the world. By next week life will be back to normal. Only I will be in need of some time off.Josie – I had to go and look at the first pic again and I have to agree with you. As far as Cape Town. Done. I have already started with a post on Table Mountain and the Cableway.Steve – I’m glad you enjoyed the trip.Ann – Thank you, thank you very much *bow*
sheesh, the ankle biters are going to wonder who you are when you finally get home after all this! And you can’t even take them to Something Good for an ice-cream to re-acquaint yourself, rats!