Nestled on the eastern slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town is the best known of South Africa’s eight National Botanical Gardens. Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens cover five of South Africa’s six different biomes. With minor exceptions, only indigenous plants are cultivated.
The walkways through the park leads to many different areas within the garden. These range from huge flower beds and forest areas to aloe gardens, ponds and streams. From the gardens several trails lead off along and up the mountain slopes and these are much used by walkers and mountaineers. Above is the Otter Pond surrounded by tree ferns.
The garden includes a large, indoor conservatory exhibiting plants from a number of different regions, including savanna, fynbos, karoo and others. The centre piece of the conservatory is a baobab tree. My favourite part of the conservatory is the fact that there is a big amount of succulents on display from all over the country.
The Strelitzias are in full bloom and looked awesome. There were both orange and yellow varieties in flower and I had to get a closeup of one. The Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial plants native to South Africa. The common name of the genus is the bird of paradise flower and in South Africa it is commonly known as a crane flower.
Pictures are gorgeous!!!! Thank you for sharing!
Oh, these pics are fantastic! I especially love the first and the last one.
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