As you may know, every now and then I deviate a little off my normal photography routine to post something significant that has happened in my family.

My nephew
Jacques Ryan was born on 24 May 2009. His christening took place two weeks ago (yes, yes, I realise its been a while, but I just haven’t come round to posting it) at St Marks church here in Port Elizabeth.

He was brought into the church by my Boet’s future mother-in-law who was beaming with pride over her first grandchild’s big day.

The weirdest part of the christening for me was the fact that they do it through a blessing and a prayer and not with water on the forehead as we are used to. The reason, the minister explained, is that they are a community church and welcome Christen people from all churches and that there are some churches that has a different believe about the meaning of the water. Something like that. Not sure now what the whole reason is, but will ask my Boet next time I see him.

The proud parents coming out the church with JR in his great great grandmother’s christening dress. I did make the statement that I hope its the first and last time that he wears a dress.

And lastly cutting the christening cake at the party afterwards. As you can see by now my Boet had changed as we had a braai at his (soon to be) mother-in-law’s place with the family.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a different and * soft * post from my favorite male blogger today.What an adorable little boy and being a nana myself I know how proud Granny was holding her little angel.
Fire what a beautiful BABY! A dress that has a history like that is OFF the charts! I love this post.
Okay, that is officially the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Omigoodness!Congratulations to little Jacques Ryan and his family.What a lovely post!
Aaaw! Beautiful baby boy! I definitely see a family resemblance! Oh yes .. very proud Granny there!
Love these personal glimpses. It is not a dress! (how can you insult the little guy like that), It is a christening robe. (lol) Lovely baby and christening robe.