Historic Muslim Cemetery

Driving down Brickmakers Kloof (and over the new bridge), the historic St Mary’s Cemetery is situated on the right hand side across the road from the old bus sheds. Very few people notice that between the road and the St Mary’s Cemetery there is a number of graves. They seem to be Muslim graves, so I popped into the South End Museum to see if they had more information. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a lot of info available on it though. The guide at the museum did say that it is also referred to as St Mary’s and that its been around since the early South End days. If I do find out more, I will update this post.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Gaelyn

    Looks like it could use a little TLC.

  2. Emm

    It does look like it needs some loving attention. It is very small – perhaps they set up a bigger, more established area somewhere close by?

  3. Zane

    I drive past the cemetary very often – I always thought it to be part of the 1820 settlers or early Port Elizabeth folk who passed on. Interesting – do try to find more information.

  4. Chocolat negro

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