Recently on a early morning walk while visiting in the Karoo, I found this Greater Striped Swallow sitting on the barbed wire farm fence while his kin was sweeping all over the show chasing insects. The Greater Striped Swallow, like all the other swallows you get around here, are summer visitors to our part of the world. They are fairly widespread throughout South Africa and can usually be seen perched on trees and fences or gliding over open, rocky or urban terrain. They have a soft “
chissik” call which can be heard while they are in flight. They can be identified by their pale, streaked underparts.
Great photo, did you have a zoom lens with you??
It looks like hes staring right at you! =0) looks like he like barbed wire too! =)
It is fun to watch the swallows soar. Maybe that one was on a time out. Nice capture Jonker.
This one doesn't appear to be too skittish, as you were able to get such a good photo of it.
Seeing swallow reminds me it is summer.
They also have pretty red heads. Our swallows (gone for the WINTER here) are blue/brown & white/gray generally.