This is very much a test post for a test image. My camera broke a couple of weeks ago and I bought a similar camera for about the same price as what the repairs would have been. There are one or two differences to it though, but the biggest new thing on it is a panorama setting. I stopped at Fort Frederick to try it out on the view from the fort and this is what came out. I didn’t have my tripod which would have helped a bit, but otherwise I’m looking forward to try it on a couple of other views as well.
Excellent pic! Keep the camera!
Looks fantastic!!
mmm – I wonder if I have a panoramic setting on my cameras. You chose a wonderful location to test the feature. The result is excellent – South End on the right, Central on the left and the harbour in the centre.
Good one, do you have a program that will stitch them and adjust the tone?I know GIMP has a plug-in. Haven't tried it myself yet